Talos Redwand, 6th level ConjurerDubner Ogrebane, 4th/4th level dwarf Fighter / Cleric (Champion)
Eswin, 6th/4th level elven Thief/Fighter
Shaw Ashcroft 5th level Ranger (Justifier)
Sulla, Osmir, Hafren, and Rhovar, 2nd level Thulian Warriors
From The Wars of Empire Chapter XXXVII: The Mad King's War
The fate of the Battle of the Plains of Galibur rested not in the camps of the two monarchs who stood across from each other on that frozen plain in the winter of 606AT, but with a band of mercenaries in Perrinwall.Having secured passage through a Godain Way Gate, these sellswords found themselves in a ruined village hundreds of miles from home. Their task: to rescue the daughter of the Frost Giant King Grungnir and break the alliance between the Giants and the mad king who had taken her hostage, in hopes that the Giants would quit the field of battle and tip the scales towards Beltigost. But freeing the Frost Giant Princess Brunhilde would be no easy task. The mad king's vizier Ragan Doon had secreted her away in the Tower of Kel-Arath and the heroes would have to storm the tower to free her.
After stepping through the Way Gate, the travelers found themselves in unfamiliar territory. The ruined village was home to a tribe of freemen who called themselves the Thulians. The travelers treated with the Thulian elders and secured guides who would take them to Steamcloud Vale, where the Tower of Kel-Arath stood. Four of the travelers, along with four Thulian warriors made the trek. The remaining two companions, the Druid Kieren and the Archer Brendel stayed behind to broker a further alliance with the Thulians, in the hopes that they would join the battle on the side of Beltigost.
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Bitterwind the White Dragon |
The trek across the frozen plains was uncomfortable, but within a day, the travelers found themselves in Steamcloud Vale, where the winds of winter never touched. A mile distant they could see the great stone tower rising 500 feet into the air, its summit carved into the likeness of a dragon's head. The made their way to a ruined chapel at the southern end of the vale under cover of darkness and were set upon by a creature of legend, they thought no longer existed. A white dragon crawled out of a underground cavern ready to devour them whole. Two of the Thulians immediately quit the field and fled, so great was the dragonfear, but the others stood their ground. The mighty ranger Shaw hit the dragon with a blow that wounded it sorely as the wizard Talos used his magics to slow the great beast. The dragon, caught by surprise at the resourcefulness of the companions took to the air and tried to escape, but was brought low by their arrows.
As the companions skinned the dragon for valuable resources, riders came out of the tower to see what the commotion was about. But darkness proved to help the companions as they ambushed six blood knights and made quick work of them.
They then set out for the tower itself, which proved more difficult than anticipated. As they closed in on it, they were beset by giant bolts shot from ballistae mounted on the tower. Two of the shots made quick work of Hafren and Sulla along with their mounts. Eight became Six as they entered the tower.
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Azer Forgemaster |
The fighting was ferocious, with the blood knights cutting bloody swaths into Shaw and Dubner, bringing them close to death, and the flame-bearded dwarves (Azers) taking care of the final two Thulians and pressing Eswin and Talos to the limit. Talos magicked some fire beetles, which distracted some of the Azers and Eswin darted in and out of their attacks, striking home when the opportunity presented itself. In the end, though badly wounded, the four companions proved victorious and rescued the snivelling dwarf slave Snot who informed them that the Giantess they sought was not in the tower, but kept in a fiery place beyond this world. The only way to get there was to ascend to the top of the tower and use a magical gate there. The problem was, the gate was guarded by a fire elementalist named Wyrlish and his pack of Hell Hounds. Believing themselves to be too sorely wounded to take the fight to the elementalist right away, the group decided to rest in the forges, regain their strength and pan their next move.