Part 2
By Lady Myrs Kratys
With preparations complete, the assembled defenders of
Kratys Keep could do nothing but wait. The day wore on and still the orcs of
the Broken Moon warband did not attack. As day moved towards night, there was
an explosion in the forest. Eswin’s booby trap had gone off as the horde
attempted to move their catapult. Orc limbs could be seen flying into the air
amidst broken timbers and smoke. A cheer went up amongst the defenders as the
first blow had been struck before the battle had begun.
As the sun set, movement was detected in the orchard around
the keep. Orcs were moving in from two different fronts: from the north where
the more vulnerable back gate was situated; and from the west were the main
gate stood. Archers took up positions on the tower and the second floor of the
main hall overlooking the north gate. Another unit of archers was positioned
atop the smithy in clear view of the main gate. Kratys and his family, along with
Goran Shae and Kieren stood just inside the main gate. Salisbury , Llewyn Kratys, the two attack dogs
Cyrus and Canus, and a unit of heavy foot took up positions behind the north
gate. The children were gathered in the main hall with five sheep dogs to look
over them.
The bulk of the orcish horde appeared out of the orchard to
the north, carrying with them a battering ram. They charged up the hill with
shields over their heads for protection. Archers managed to lay a few low, but
being untrained peasants most of their shots missed the mark.
Just in front of the north gate the orcs stumbled on a pit
of pitch the defenders had dug. Eswin fired a flaming arrow into the pitch and
two units of orcs were quickly immolated. The attackers however, were not
deterred and continued on with their assault, reaching the north gate and
beginning to hammer away with their battering ram.
At that moment, another group of orcs led by the hulking
plate-covered ogre appeared to the west and began their assault on the main
gate. Four units of orcs broke off with scaling ladders and moved towards the
southwest wall. Kratys, his wife, and son moved to intercept them, while Goran
Shae and Kieren stood by the main gate with the two hunting hawks. The ogre
picked up a plough which had been set against the main gate and began using it
to break it down.
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Lord Tarran Kratys Defends His Keep |
The orcs scaling the southwest wall were the first to breach
the keep. Tarran Kratys moved out front to protect his wife and son, valiantly
taking on the twenty orcs by himself. Unfortunately, there were too many of
them. Though he fought with the bravery of the heroes of old, he was quickly
surrounded and struck viciously from either side, falling to the ground in a
pool of his own blood. Archers on the roof of the smithy moved over and began
raining arrows down upon the orcs, taking out five of them. Brand Kratys, the
lord’s son, moved in to delay the remaining orcs while his mother moved Lord
Kratys into the barn to see to his wounds. After seeing his mother safely bar
the barn gates, Brand retreated with the orcs in hot pursuit to the middle of
the courtyard.
Things were beginning to look bleak. With the orcs inside
the walls, some of the peasants began to panic, yet it was the courage of the five
remaining heroes which kept them in check. The main gate was the next to fall.
The ogre had battered it down with the plough and then sent the plough soaring
through the air into the interior courtyard, narrowly missing Kieren and Goran.
Eswin, Talos and the archers in the main hall took note of this and descended
down into the courtyard to offer what aid they could. Seeing himself as the
lone defense against the huge ogre, Kieren drank a mighty potion he had
secreted away. His limbs began to pulse and seemed to grow in size, giving off
an unearthly heat and his eyes began to blaze with the power of the eldritch giants
of fire. His mentor Goran stood by calmly making no movement to defend the
keep, watching his apprentice as if gauging the young druid’s worth. Fifteen
more orcs armed with wicked axes barged through the remains of the main gate
bearing down upon the two druids, with the ogre not far behind.
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