As Told by Father Johann of Oak Hill Cemetary
Long ago, when the Althane first arrived on the green shores of Inolba, life was hard and their very existence was in doubt. To ensure the survival of their chosen people, the gods of the Althane descended from their celestial palaces to walk among mortal men. Many and varied were their adventures and deeds, but this tale concerns only Althar the Protector, All-father of the Althane people, and the Three-faced goddess known as Fate.
It is commonly believed that Althar is a covetous god, always seeking to consolidate power. Many believe that this is why his chosen people are prone to war and conquest. When Althar heard that the Three-faced goddess was also living among the mortals, he visited her so that he might benefit from her vast knowledge of the future.
It came to pass that Althar appeared on the steps of the Three-faced goddess' temple, demanding to know the hour of his own demise, so that he might prevent it. For it is well known that in the end of all things, the gods themselves will die as surely as every mortal must.
In exchange for their mighty knowledge, the three sisters of Fate required a sacrificial gift, as they did from all those who sought their knowledge. Prideful Althar refused to pay the price, thinking that he was above paying the tribute that all others must. And so Althar was denied the knowledge of his own end.
The All-father's wrath was legendary. If he were to be denied the knowledge he sought, then so would all. With his mighty magic, he stripped the daugthers of Troentad of their prophetic knowledge and destroyed their essence.
Thus it was that prophecy in the land of Inolba was lost.
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The Daughters of Troentad |
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